This is an interesting article about the relative value of silver. The relative value of silver today {pre-EOTWAWKI
anyway} is in fact far lower than in early medieval times in terms of buying power. There are several ways of working out
relative values such as the 'ale standard' or soldier's rates of pay. The theory behind the ale standard is that even since
the dawn of the paid soldier, whether with coin or barter, the price of a pint of ale has remained in relative terms the
same. Another theory follows the same reasoning that the price of bread has also stayed constant in relative terms to the
wages that a warrior or soldier would have demanded. Based on that 9th century buying power, each item is noted whether the
price (in silver) comes from Britain [B], Western Europe [W], Central Europe [C], Northern Europe [N] or Eastern Europe [E].
quotes today (6/5/07) are: Gold: $670.20 & Silver: $13.77 , 1oz of gold = 48.7 oz of silver today but in medieval Europe,
silver was more valuable in terms of gold at 1 oz gold to 20 oz silver. Since 1 Troy oz = 31.10 grams, at present 1
g of silver = $0.443 per gram. Formula for calculating "Medieval Dollars": 1 g silver x $0.443 x 48.7 */* 20 = $1.08
Sword [W].... 126g of silver or calculate out to roughly $194.17 This type of sword
was in service by ordinary soldiers for a long period of time throughout all of Europe. It is manufactured to be useable (not
just decretive). Classical Medieval Sword $175.00 + shipping, so it was pretty close.
Knife [W]....... 3g of silver
or calculate out to roughly $3.23.
1kg (2.2 lb) Corn [W] 3g of silver or calculate out to roughly $3.23. But wheat
at $4.71 per bushel, comes out to $0.173 per kg. Grain was much more expensive then.
Pig [E] .... 30g of silver
or calculate out to roughly $32.03 (raised on pasture & acorns) At $68.23 per cwt, a 100 lb pig would be $68.23. So more
expensive today.
Virgin Swarm of Bees [B] 25g of silver or calculate out to roughly $26.97 (about our price
20 years ago). 3 lb package with queen is $80.00. Much higher now.
Cloak [N]......12g of silver or calculate out
to roughly $12.92 RUANA (poncho) WRAP CAPE CLOAK, a long neck cloak is made of soft fleece. $38.99
of Silver 15 chickens [C] 1.55g
Cow [E]......... 100g
Cow [C]......... 137g Ewe and Lamb 8g
Ox [E]............ 125g
Ox [C]............ 137g
Pig [E]............ 30g Sheep [E]....... 15g
Fledged Peregrine Falcon [B]372g Fledged Sparrow Hawk [B]37g Sparrow Hawk Nest [B] 37g Virgin Swarm of Bees
[B] 25g Swarm of bees from a second swarm [B]12g Swarm of bees from Virgin swarm [B]18g Hive of Bees [B] 37g Hive
swarm after august [B]6g Old Swarm of Bees [B] 37g Second Swarm of Bees [B]18g Horse [E]....... 300g Horse
[N] 306g Horse [C] 478g King's Hunting Dog, trained [B] 372g Common House Dog [B] 6g Male Slave [N] 306g Female
Slave [E] 204g
[b]Miscellaneous Weight of Silver 1kg (2.2 lb) Corn [W] 3g Bridle [W]...... 10g Spurs [W].....
20g Stirrups [W]... 126g Buckle [W].... 5g Cloak [N]....... 12g Fleece ...... 3g Beaver Skin [B] 186d
Fox skin [B]... 12g Marten Skin [B] 37g Otter skin [B]. 12g Wolf skin [B].. 12g Fyrdsman's (free peasant
militiaman) pay/month (military duty) [B]77g Hide of land (approx. 120 acres) [B]372g Land tax/hide [B] 15g Knife
[W]....... 3g Silk (1oz) [E].. 57g
[b]Arms and Armor Weight of Silver Helmet [C] ..... 410g Mailshirt
[C]... 820g Shield and Spear [C] 137g Spear [W]....... 51g Sword [W].... 126g Sword and Scabbard [C] 478g
Sword, nobles ..... 1860g
[b]Fines, etc..................................Weight of Silver Accepting service
of another's ceorl (free peasant farmer) [B]930g Ceorl seeking new lord [B] 465g Binding an innocent ceorl [B] 77g
Binding innocent ceorl & shaving him like a priest [B]465g Fighting (not in war) [B] 930g Ceorl entering into
illicit union [B] 387g Thegn (servant of the king usually noble) entering into illicit union [B] 775g Ceorl neglecting
fyrd duty [B] 232g Failure to perform fyrd duty (duty in the military)[B]310-387g Freeman working on Sunday [B] 465g
Ordering a slave to work on Sunday [B] 232g Priest working on Sunday [B] 930g Raping a female slave [B] 504g Holding
a woman's breast [B] 39g Seducing a free woman [B] 465g Throw a woman down but not lie with her [B]77g Not baptizing
child within 30 days of birth [B]232g Removing a nun from a nunnery without permission [B]930g Reward for catching
thief [B] 77g Violation of an archbishop's protection [B]1,116g Violation of bishop's protection [B] 744g Violation
of ceorl's protection [B] 46g Violation of church's protection [B] 387g Violation of the king's protection[B] 1,860g
Weregilds (death money fines) Weight of Silver Slave [B]............................. 465g Ceorl (peasant
farmer, not a serf) [B] 1550g Landless Thegn [B]............ 4650g Thegn (thane or noble) [B] 9300g
Information provided by 230gr @ Survival Talk